Salesforce integration

Integrate your Salesforce CRM with Firmable

Guarantee your records are correct and complete by integrating Firmable with your Salesforce CRM.

Australia’s #1 business database as trusted by

Increase the speed of your sales prospecting with our Salesforce integration

Find new prospects and expand your database

Seamlessly find and bring new leads, contacts, and accounts from Firmable into your Salesforce CRM. Stay ahead of your outreach efforts and nurture meaningful connections by identifying new companies and people who match your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).   

Enrich and cleanse your existing Salesforce data

Enrich your lead, contact, and account records with up-to-date Firmable data – including mobiles, job titles, employee numbers, and more – to keep your database clean and accurate. Access in-depth information on decision makers for better customer segmentation, more effective marketing campaigns, and ensuring more meaningful connections. 

Easily identify Firmable-sourced data for effective lead management

Easily identify new records pushed into Salesforce from Firmable, including the user who created them. This can help with lead management including lead routing, lead scoring, reporting, and flexibility to trigger any other relevant worflows from new data entering the CRM. 

Connect and set up your sync rules

Connect Firmable to your Salesforce account and establish sync rules for how data flows from Firmable into Salesforce. Map the person and company fields in Firmable with the corresponding lead, contact or account properties in Salesforce. 

Push new prospects to Salesforce from LinkedIn and your web browser

It’s your choice – you can work in the Firmable platform to push data to Salesforce, or you can browse company websites or LinkedIn to find prospects you want in Salesforce and push records directly from there. 

Hear why our customers
choose Firmable

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Grow your business faster with Firmable data

With the largest Australian B2B database and the only local support team, it’s easy to get started with Firmable.