
Accelerate your ABM strategy with Australia’s definitive B2B database for lead generation

Be the ultimate sales partner. Make their lives (and yours!) easier by acquiring leads and customers at scale with targeted B2B marketing data strategies.

Australia’s #1 business database as trusted by

Generate qualified leads that convert for B2B businesses

Targeted B2B lead generation and list building made easy

Supplement your inbound leads with an outbound account-based marketing (ABM) and sales strategy that starts with knowing the right companies to go after. Quickly and easily build new lists for your next campaign for targeted lead generation.

Know your target market and ICP better than the competition

We’ll help you develop your ideal customer profile (ICP), understand your market and the opportunity size in Australia, and target the companies who are most likely to convert.

Drive up campaign conversion rates through personalised marketing

Send more personalised email marketing and ad campaigns by knowing more about your target companies and contacts than ever before. Easily segment your campaign audiences and use dynamic content for greater personalisation and relevancy.

Next generation lead scoring and qualification for happier sales teams

Only pass across genuine marketing qualified leads to sales for better deal conversion and sales efficiencies. Enrich all leads with next-gen firmographic and demographic data to level-up your lead scoring, lead qualification, and lead hand-off processes.

CRM enrichment and advanced customer segmentation

Deep customer knowledge and segmentation capability is key for customer retention and running successful win-back and upsell / cross-sell campaigns. Enrich your CRM with relevant data so you know everything there is to know about your customer.

Hear how our customers
drive marketing results
with better data

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With the largest Australian B2B database and the only local support team, it’s easy to get started with Firmable.